kokm.com DXP


Revolutionize Education with kokm's Dynamic Learning Experience Platform (DXP)

Empower educators and learners alike with kokm's innovative DXP, enhancing engagement, collaboration, and outcomes across your Learning Management System.

What is kokm DXP: LMS?

Accelerate Your Time to Market

Our LMS offers low-code feature options that enable you to quickly integrate and customize solutions to meet your needs.

Cost-Effective Implementation

By leveraging the ready-made features of kokm DXP: LMS, you can significantly reduce your implementation and delivery costs.

Comprehensive Learning Capabilities

kokm DXP: LMS supports a wide range of content, including interactive courses, video learning, and SCORM files, providing robust functionality right out of the box.

Kokm features

Why Choose Us?

At KOKM, we offer the kokm DXP: LMS, a comprehensive platform rich in features designed to cater to your specific learning needs. Whether you prefer a ready-made solution or crave a bespoke user experience, our platform empowers you to craft the perfect learning environment.

Beyond the core functionalities of a traditional Learning Management System (LMS), the kokm DXP: LMS boasts a plethora of additional features. From customizable workflows to diverse content management capabilities, our platform ensures a seamless learning journey for both administrators and learners alike.

Utilize our extensive feature set or collaborate with us to develop tailor-made solutions that align perfectly with your unique requirements. At KOKM, we're committed to delivering a learning management experience that exceeds expectations.


Just some of our LMS features

Discover key functionalities of our LMS through these select features.

Tailor & Customize

Fully personalize your LMS with your brand's look and feel. Customize the structure, menus, workflows, and create webforms and feedback forms tailored to your needs.

Comprehensive Course Authoring

Utilize powerful tools for course creation, content management, learning resources, and quiz authoring. Design comprehensive courses, engaging quizzes, and interactive learning pathways.

Quizzes & Interactive Content

Effortlessly build quizzes, interactive content, webforms, and feedback forms. Access over 40 types of modern interactive content, including SCORM packages.

Event Management

Manage events seamlessly with our robust system. Handle bookings for people, classrooms, meeting rooms, equipment, and catering with ease.

Collaborative Learning

Foster social learning and knowledge sharing. Encourage mentor and tutor interactions, provide feedback, and manage interactive assignments and assessments.

Resource Library

Build a comprehensive library of everyday working resources. Ensure resources are easy to find, use, and integrate into LMS courses.


Celebrate success with badges, leaderboards, and success stories. Set goals, allocate points for tasks, and award certificates linked to Mozilla backpacks for badges.

CPD & Continuous Learning

Track Continuous Professional Development (CPD), including external events. Support ongoing development and competency frameworks.

Seamless Integrations

Easily integrate with Single Sign-On (SSO) for your active directory, HR systems, Turnitin, and other legacy and intranet systems.

The Benefits of Custom Branded Learning Management Systems with Kokm

Why do organisations choose their own branded site built on top of kokm for their Learning Management System (LMS)?

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Linking knowledge to Learning

The ability to build a resource library 'page by page' & put that knowledge, the knowledge of the business in the learning environment

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Ease on Content Creation

The speed of updating learning, the agility with which knowledge can be added & shared, plus the ability to refer back when you need it was key

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Regulations and Compliance

We needed to demonstrate compliance, but the important thing was that it was easy to grab knowledge when you needed it

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Great Curriculum management

easy cirriculum management, easy to build & store information in the library, being able to distribute that knowledge in different ways to different groups

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Great team and group controls

The ability to capture knowledge easily, being able to push & share that knowledge to groups & to formal courses gave us the flexibility we wanted